Hello, I'm

Christopher Wolfe;

What I do is about You. But if you want to know, here is a bit about me ↴

photo of Chris

Yours truly.

Highly adaptable and creative individual with strong business acumen able to solve common and complex organizational issues driving growth and transformation. Trained in full-stack development, building modern ground up web applications. Seeking innovative teams developing cutting edge applications using new and established technologies. Here are some things I have worked on.

In my Personal life...

The outdoors call me, and I try to spend as much time there as I can. Whether it's a walk through our local park or a multi-day backpacking trip, I'm game. Then there is the more obvious passion - technology. I love seeing how technology can change the world, and hopefully in ways which benefit the people who use them.


If you want to see more, take a stroll through my GitHub

graphic reading API

Social API

An API for managing the backend in a social application

Express Luxon MongoDB Mongoose Node

Graphic with bike


A web app for keeping track of your bikes

Express Apollo GraphQL JWT Bcrypt Mongoose React Node

graphic reading .md

Readme Generator

Terminal Based Program for generating Readme.md's

FS Inquirer Markdown-toc

graphic with dragon

D&D Map App

Little web app so my friends can navigate my D&D world map

React Leaflet

graphic of cloud


A web app for getting the weather

Next.js Chart.js Sass Moment.js

Reach out

Need help with a project? have a cool opportunity? Or maybe you just want to say hey! Please shoot me an email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.